::*MiA's DoMaiN*::


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(sneak peak) G.S. for GameCUBE

SHHHH!!!! here's a secret:


OK this info is not from Ljump12 I got this info from gs online and www.ign.com Both good sites this is info from those SITES! alright. PEACE

Camelot Game on GameCube in 2002

OK here's the deal we got the dirt on Golden Sun for Nintendo's gamecube!!!! check it out and dont copy or paste on your gs webpage! THIS IS JUST OURS:

In what should come as a surprise to nobody, the 5 brothers (that is creating the game) confirmed that Camelot would not make any more Nintendo 64 games. However, the team admitted that the company is already in the planning stages for at least one GameCube title, and possibly more. Camelot would like to release its first title as close to the launch of the system in Japan -- July 2001 -- as possible.

Perhaps most interesting of all, the Takahashi brothers said that as soon as they finished the Game Boy Advance's Golden Sun -- an anticipated RPG -- they would go to work on a GameCube RPG. No details were offered on the title.

GBA's Golden Sun in action

Could there be a link between GBA's Golden Sun and the GameCube RPG? It's entirely possible. Camelot is known for linking its previous software offerings up -- just look at the Mario Tennis connection between N64 and Game Boy. It's not impossible that Golden Sun, which is now scheduled to use the GB Mobile Adapter (further information on IGNpocket), could link up to GameCube in a similar fashion.

At any rate, this is definitely an exciting development and we will have more details as soon as we can.


If you want to get more info about this go to GS online! they have more dirt on the GameCube for GS! Hey...they got more stuff! click this link