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Boss Help!

info on how to beat the bosses!

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The Battles:

Bandits - Vault
These guys are very easy to beat. Have Ivan and Garret use their Psynergy on them, while Isaac uses Flint's attack and the Mercury Summon them. You shouldn't even have to use any health boosting substances to defeat these easy evil do-ers. Now the mayor will come and get back his stolen Precious Urn. Ivan also finds Master Hammet's stolen rod in one of the chests. Climb back out of the cellar and head back to the house where you found Ivan at (it's in the Northwestern part of town up on a hill.) The Mayor will give you some Water of Life that can revive a downed character. Before you leave town, stop back at the inn to get your HP and PP recovered once more.

Tret - Kolima Forest
Save before you do this and inactivate all your Djinn. Make sure you have full health, as well. Tret has about 350-450 HP, so it's going to take you a few rounds to get him. Your best bet is using Summons, then Flint with Isaac, and using Psynergy with the others. Tret's attacks aren't too great, so you shouldn't have too much of a health problem. Once he's dead Tret will come to, realizing that he shouldn't have turned people into trees. However, he no long has the strength to cure Kolima, so you need to begin a trek to get an item to heal him (more on that later.) Once Tret is done talking the talk, use retreat to get to the entrance of the tree, then use retreat again to end up back at the start of the forest.

Saturos - Mercury Lighthouse
Saturos is not going to be a pushover, so you're going to need to work out a good strategy to beat them. One good one that I used was to pummel Saturos with Flint/Summons with Isaac, use regular attacks and occasionally fire psynergy with Garret, use plasma and occasionally impact with Ivan, and keep using Ply with Mia. After a long time, you should be able to "fell" Saturos. Remember, his AI is pretty bad and you'll have some luck in keeping characters alive.

Killer Ape - Mogall Forest
This guy has a lot of health, and his attacks aren't too shabby. The first thing you want to do is cast all of your summons against him to do a good deal of damage (by now you should have at least one 3-Summon) to him. Now, Isaac should also have a nice new attack called Ragnarok that packs a huge wallop (it's my favorite looking attack in the game.) Have Garret use his normal attack (I equipped that Arctic Blade on him that I liked pretty much for this point in the game), use Ivan's Plasma and occasionally Impact on Isaac, and keep using Ply with Mia to keep your other party members alive. When you beat this Ape you'll get 1500 coins and Douse Drop that's required much later in the game.

Living Statues - Altin
These guys are hard core water, so fire attacks are simply devastating against them. Like most of the earlier bosses, he has a lot of health but his attacks aren't all that powerful. As always, cast all of your summons against him off the bat, then hit him with Ragnarok with Isaac, Heat Wave with Garret, Plasma with Ivan and either attack or Ply with Mia. Once he's been defeated, you'll obtain a frost jewel that lets you use Frost when equipped (note: Mia should already know Frost.)

Big Living Statue - Altin Peak
As always put all your Djinn on standby. Cast all of your summons against this boss to do a substantial amount of damage. Now, use Ragnarok with Isaac, Heat Wave with Garret, Impact on Garret and Storm Ray with Ivan, and Ply with Mia. This boss has a really bad attack and the fear of dieing really shouldn't be there. On his death you get 2400 coins and a Lucky Medal. Plus, you'll get a treasure chest behind the boss that contains the Lifting Gem that lets you lift large rocks in your way. Now, use retreat and heal your wounds in the Inn.

Manticore - Lamakan Desert
As always use all of your summons against him right off the bat to inflict major damage. You have to watch out, though, as Manticore attacks twice every turn. So, you'll definitely want to just use Ply and Ply Well with Mia each turn (if you have Wish or Wish Well you will want to use that instead of Ply and Ply Well). As always, use Ragnarok with Isaac, use regular attacks with Garret, and use Plasma and occasionally impact on Isaac with Ivan. Manticore has some pretty lethal attacks that pack a whollop even after the initial attack has been done. Watch out for his pesky poison and curse attacks that will take health away from you each time that character attacks. If a character is poisoned, have Mia use Cure Poison on him, and use a healing item or Isaac's heal on that character to keep him alive. Manticore has about 1500-1800 HP, so don't expect to beat him in the second round as you may done with previous bosses. As long as all of your party members stay alive you should be able to squeak past Manticore. When you beat him you'll get a load of coins, a psy crystal and you'll be able to pass through the hidden passage that he was blocking thanks to Reveal.

Kraken - Kalay Docks
Kraken, just like the last boss you faced, will attack twice each round, so you have to be prepared for taking twice the damage. Once you've cast all of your summons, start using Ragnarok with Isaac, Heat Wave with Garret, Impact on Garret with Ivan, and Ply Well then Wish (get this when the four water Djinn on her get set after a summon) with Mia. As long as you don't let your party members die, you should be able to defeat Kraden without that much trouble, although he is tough. When you defeat him you'll be awarded 5200 coins and some Water of Life.

Azart - Collosso
The first thing you'll want to do, like always, is cast your one and only summon against him. Judgment will do about 315 damage to him. Now you'll want to use Ragnarok against him for the next round. You'll now be down to about 50 or less HP, so you'll want to use Cure Well on yourself. Continue using Ragnarok and Cure Well on him, with the occasional helpful Djinn if you need it. After he wastes both his nuts just keep pounding him until he goes down. He really shouldn't be overly tough, and you should get an easy first round victory.

Satrage - Collosso
This guy has a little more HP than his predecessor and does a little more damage. Get him with Judgment right away, then use the Ragnarok/Cure Well strategy that you used before. Once again he shouldn't pose that much of a threat to you.

Navampa - Collosso
The final Collosso competitor. He'll have much more health than the others and do more damage. Use the same strategy that you've used for the previous two, summoning firs then using Cure Well/Ragnarok. Even though he has more HP and does a little more damage, he's really not too hard to beat as long as you remembered to inactivate your Djinn so that you had a 4 Level summon available. Once you beat him you'll collapse from exhaustion and eventually end up in your bed in the Castle.

Toadonpa - Lunpa
As always cast all of your summons on him to have him take a huge amount of damage. However, he's got a lot of HP so summons alone aren't going to do it. Watch out for his individual attacks that really pack a whollop, so have Mia use her Wish on everyone each turn. Have Isaac use his Ragnarok attack, have Garret use his Heat Wave or Nova attack and have Ivan use his most powerful Tornado attack each turn. As long as the characters stay alive, and you use a few Djinn each turn to get your Summons back, this guy shouldn't be too difficult. When you beat him you'll get a Psy Crystal which will be helpful later in the game.

Storm Lizard - Suhalla Desert
Storm Lizard has a Sonic Slash attack that's simply devastating. It will attack all of your Party Members and do at least 150 damage to all of them. First things first, cast all of your Summons. For each round use Wish with Mia. With Isaac, use Ragnarok and occasionally Flint. Also, if a player goes down use Quartz that you should have active by now to restore that player. With Garret you'll want to use Heat Wave unless the party is hurting when you'll want to use the Djinn Flash who will reduce damage taken to each character in that round to about 8. With Ivan you should use primarily Djinn that attack or do some sort of status change to Storm Lizard in hopes to stunning him. Another good Djinn to use with Ivan is Zephyr which will boost party agility. If you use a lot of Djinn, it's possible to cast another high level summon on the Storm Lizard which will really help you out. Generally by the time you cast another Summon, Storm Lizard will be under 500 HP and you should be able to kill him with it. When you kill him you'll get 1300 experience and 6900 coins in addition to a handy Psy Crystal (keep saving these.) If you are unable to beat Tornado Lizard, here a few tips to help you out: Try running south to a rock circle similar to that in the Lamarkan desert with a Psy Crystal in it. You can also outrun the tornado all together if you're quick, because you really don't need to fight it (although I recommend doing it for the experience and Psy Crystal.)

Saturos and Menardi - Venus Lighthouse
In this battle, don't be afraid to use any valuable items that you may be saving, as this is the final battle. Cast all of your summons at the beginning and have Mia use Wish Well throughout the battle. You're the most vulnerable at the beginning of this battle because characters such as Ivan will have very little HP until he regains some of his HP. If he goes down at any point, use Water of Life or Revive with Isaac to bring him back to life. Otherwise, use Ragnarok with Ivan, Flash each turn with Garret (be it summoning or using), and High Impact and Ivan's most expensive attack PP wise for each round. Saturos and Menardi will start to become less and less effective against you, and eventually you'll destroy them.

Fusion Dragon - Venus Lighthouse
This Fusion Dragon really isn't as difficult as it seems, and the same strategy that you used against Saturos and Menardi will work very well against this boss. The only problem is that you don't have any Summons this time, so it will take much longer to kill this guy. After about 20 minutes of fighting you'll finally be able to defeat the dragon if you've stuck to the strategy.
this one was from my own experience!!!! (C) Maggie E. Glenn
DEADBEARD- what you want to do is build up your character by 2 levels and set some of your dijin to get powerful summons and you need to use to pysenergy also...keep on doing that til  you beat that sucka! laterz



This whole section was give to me by Golden Sun source! Thank you Ashley!